1420, boulevard Wallberg Local : 1.15 Dolbeau-Mistassini (Québec) G8L 1H4
Telephone : 1 844 596-CAIJ (2245) (toll-free)
Cloakroom : 1.15 Accès au vestiaire des avocats sécurisé par le CAIJ en collaboration avec le barreau de section.
The printing service, AVEC, allows you to print directly from your personal devices as well as from library workstations. Software and printer installation are required for this service to work properly.
See the details and procedure for how to access this service:
« Secured access to lawyers’ cloakroom provided by the CAIJ in collaboration with the Bar of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. A workstation with access to many legal research databases and a printer. »