Research support
Whether you have a specific question or need more personalized support, CAIJ’s team of researchers is always ready to assist you by sharing its knowledge, or by lending a hand during peak periods.
Do you have research to do, but don’t know where to start? Are you searching, but can’t find any relevant results, or need help refining your results? In staffed or remote co-working libraries, don’t hesitate to call on our team to help you. We’ll provide you with the right search leads and strategies for fast, relevant results.
Ask our team your general questions by chat, phone, video conference appointment or in person at a coworking library.
Chat with us
Our researchers are on hand to answer your questions live, Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Call us
Phone: 514 844-CAIJ (2245)
Toll-free: 1 844-596-CAIJ (2245)
Make an appointment
Simply choose the time slot that suits you and select the researcher who will accompany you.