Borrowing and delivery
Get the content you want, wherever you are
At CAIJ, whether the document you’re looking for is online or in one of our co-working libraries, we want you to have access to it. Most documents are available for loan, and all it takes is to contact us or order them online directly from UNIK or the library catalog to have them delivered to your office.
You can borrow up to eight documents for a period of 15 working days. Special books may be loaned for one day only.
What’s more, you can renew a loan up to two times, as long as you do it before the due date. Renew your loans online via Espace CAIJ, or contact us.
Delivery service
The delivery service allows you to borrow documents without having to go anywhere.
Our team will send them anywhere in Quebec within 24 to 48 hours. Depending on your postal code, same-day express delivery is exceptionally available for the island of Montreal.
Important Notice: Due to the Canada Post strike, delivery times may be longer than usual. We are working hard to find the best possible alternatives. Thank you for your understanding.