26 September 2022

Discover the new contents of CAIJ for September 2022!


The full text of key works is regularly added to the Espace CAIJ. You can now consult :


Code civil du Québec annoté Baudouin Renaud (2022)

The end of the printed version does not mean the end of this landmark work! The second update of the digital version, available exclusively on the CAIJ website, is now online. Each year, close to 200 bibliographical sources, more than 8,000 annotations and 1,000 judgments are added to the digital content.


Code de procédure civile Québec (Alter Ego 2022)

The reputation of this work combining case law and doctrine relevant to each article of the Code de procédure civile is well established. Discover the second update 2022.


Traité de droit de la sécurité nationale : États-Unis d’Amérique/Canada

At a time when world order and democracy seem more fragile than ever, this treatise on national security in North America explores in depth concepts related to geopolitics, criminal law, surveillance and intelligence, commercial export controls and corruption. Also included is a discussion of the Donald Trump presidency.




Le CAIJ, l’incontournable ressource de savoir juridique.