The “Communauté juridique” section is a collaborative platform open to everyone to discuss various aspects of legal news. This month, you will find:
New collaborations
Union des municipalités du Québec
Very soon, we will be hosting several UMQ publications such as the annual jurisprudential reviews, the UMQ Legal Chronicles and the Human Capital Forum.
As a seasoned practitioner in law and technology, Me Sébastien Lapointe offers you articles on the impact of technology on business law. This month, read Tentative avortée d’action collective quant à Google Photos au Québec, faute de cause défendable.
A review of legislative news
As the parliamentary session has just ended and a new legislature will begin this fall with the provincial elections, we have summarized a selection of the latest bills that have been assented to or died on the order paper that are likely to affect your practice in a substantial way.
Supreme Court of Canada rulings… with added value!
In recent weeks, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled on important criminal law principles in several high-profile cases. Find out about them through short summaries and articles written by our partners.
Le CAIJ, l’incontournable ressource de savoir juridique.