Always attentive to the needs of its members, the CAIJ is proud to announce an agreement with its partner LEXISNEXIS to offer remote access to several contents such as:
A vast collection of pan-Canadian case law with a selection going back to the 1800s;
A collection of Quantum in common law;
A complete access to Halsbury’s Law of Canada encyclopedia with titles such as Wills and Estates, Legal Professions, Contracts, Agriculture, Expropriation, Bankruptcy and insolvency;
The JurisClasseur Québec collection which includes the following collections: Civil Law, Business Law, Labour Law, Criminal Law and Public Law;
The Canadian Forms and Precedents collection in common law which covers the following subjects: finance, wills and intellectual property.
To see the complete range of content now available by distance learning, click here!
This agreement applies to lawyers, bonded support staff, articling students and Bar School students who are members of the following Section Bars
This agreement also applies to notaries and support staff in the following administrative regions
Note that more content can be accessed throughout the cotravail library network or through the CAIJ’s document retrieval service.
Questions about this agreement? Do not hesitate to contact the CAIJ team by phone at 1-844-596-2245, by chat or by email.
Le CAIJ, l’incontournable ressource de savoir juridique.