13 December 2018

Holiday Schedule


During the holidays, the CAIJ co-working libraries will be closed from December 24th to 26th and from December 29th to January 2nd. They will be open on December 27th and 28th. Services will resume gradually starting January 3rd.


Co-working libraries with staff

In Gatineau, Laval, Longueuil, Montréal, Québec, Saint-Jérôme and Sherbrooke, the availability of CAIJ staff is variable :

Library Dec 24 – 26 Dec 27 – 28 Dec 29 – Jan 2 Jan 3-4
CAIJ | Gatineau Closed Staff on-site Closed Staff on-site
CAIJ | Laval Self-service Staff on-site
January 3rd
CAIJ | Longueuil Self-service Staff on-site
CAIJ | Montréal Staff on-site Staff on-site
CAIJ | Québec Staff on-site Staff on-site
CAIJ | St-Jérôme Self-service Self-service
CAIJ | Sherbrooke Self-service Self-service


Remote services

The following services remain available during business days:



The chat service will be available from 9 am to 5 pm on December 21st, 27th, 28th, as well as January 3rd and 4th.  Starting January 7th, the service will be available during the regular chat business hours (8 am to 8 pm).


Happy Holidays to one and all!