Each month, the full text of key works is added to the Espace CAIJ. Here are the new additions for Summer 2022!
Code civil du Québec annoté (2022)
Discover the first update of this landmark book since the end of the print version with the electronic version available exclusively on the CAIJ website.
2020 – La Revue du Barreau, tome 79
Consult substantive texts on current topics:
Volume 510 – Développements récents en droit des marchés publics (2022)
The authors examine the duty to inform in public contracts, the extent of freedom of contract for public bodies and the discretion of the public contracting authority in the awarding process. They also take stock of the eligibility and compliance analysis five years after the Tapitec v. Ville de Blainville decision, outline the practical considerations applicable to public bodies’ mutual agreement contracts, and review the landmark case law of 2020-2021.
Volume 511 – Développements récents en droit du travail (2022)
Remote monitoring, freedom of choice as a component of freedom of association, the right to disconnect and mandatory vaccination are the topics covered in this book. It also discusses the role of the arbitrator in determining whether a disciplinary or administrative measure is appropriate and outlines the rules applicable to employment agencies in the Loi sur les normes du travail.
Volume 512 – Développements récents en déontologie, droit professionnel et disciplinaire (2022)
Find out what avenues are available for appealing interlocutory decisions of disciplinary boards, read a study on systemic discrimination in the professional system, and view a review of ten landmark decisions of the Professions Tribunal.
Volume 513 – Développements récents en droit du travail en éducation (2022)
Learn about current issues such as the scope of an employee’s right to publicly criticize his or her employer and teachers’ professional autonomy in times of crisis in this book on employment law in the education sector. Learn about legal perspectives on dependencies and the union’s duty to consult, and get an update on administrative dismissal for incompetence three years after the Kativik decision.
Volume 514 – Développements récents en droit de la construction (2022)
In this collection, you will find articles on alternative dispute resolution, the authorizations required to carry out a construction project, including a public infrastructure project, the limit to discretionary power in the event of non-compliant bids, cybersecurity risks in the construction industry, the professional liability of engineers and architects and insurance products. Also see a review of the effect of section 573.3.0.4 of the Loi sur les cités et villes on amendments incidental to the municipal contract.
Administrateur de condo : tout ce qu’il faut savoir, 2e édition
A good understanding of the roles of the organs of a divided co-ownership and the powers and duties of each is essential for the proper exercise of the function of administrator of a divided co-ownership. Learn more about the syndicate of co-owners, the board of directors and its administrators, the meeting of co-owners and the declaration of co-ownership with this book filled with practical examples.
Le CAIJ, l’incontournable ressource de savoir juridique.